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Operations & Office

Lee Juvland

Lee Juvland


Family/Where I live
We have lived in many places, but Howard Lake has been our home now for almost 20 years!

I have a wonderful Godly wife, 5 children, and 10 grandchildren. 

Peggy (wife) 34 years strong

Jordan 32 (Ruth) Jason, Logan, Amara and ???

Aidan 28 (Matthew) Jameson, Jules, Donald, Georgia

Jacob 24 (Jessie) Indie, Monty

Katherine 18, Lizzie 14


High School (Burnsville MN) and misc college (no degree)

Additional education…School of Hard Knocks. Pretty expensive, but well worth it!

Background/Work History 
I have almost always been in the housing/construction field. Retail, distribution, Sales, Installation, Investment.  

Lived and worked in different parts of the country. 

Started this season of my career (The Kingdom Builders) in 2014

My Story
I did not grow up in a religious atmosphere. Some Catholicism, but mostly a spiritual apathy. Later I was more antagonistic and argumentative about spiritual things. Especially Christianity. 

I had the appearance of happiness and Godliness. 1 Timothy 3:5   but had no belief or interest in the Truth.

At the age of 32, I had tried most of what the world had to offer. This did not bring Peace and Joy into my life. So, I looked into “religion”. I was inquisitive. The Lord honored my curiosity through a friend who gave me a book (Letters From a Skeptic). While reading this book, it was revealed to me what Sin is. An offense against a Holy and Righteous God. It was also revealed to me that I was a sinner. (Romans 3:10), and that there was a penalty for sinning. (Romans 6:23)  I cried out while I was all alone at my dining room table. (Romans 10:13)  I was saved! and didn’t even know it! The change in me was instant in some ways, but the process of discovery and sanctification continues to this day. 

I am so glad to be called a child of God 1 John 3:1, and to have a Blessed Hope! Titus 2:13 I am far from perfect in behavior and actions, but perfectly cloaked in the Righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my advocate. 1 John 2:1. I love Him and desire to please Him by being a Good and Faithful servant.

Matthew Butz

Matthew Butz

Operations Manager

Family/Where I live
My wife Aidan and I, and our four kids Jameson, Jules, Donald, and Georgia Violet Rose live in Minnesota.

High school (Majestic Oaks Academy Homeschool, Zimmerman, MN)
College 2 Year Associates of Arts Degree (Anoka-Ramsey Community College), with pre-engineering focus.

Background/Work History
I grew up very interested in math and science, and always wanted to know how things worked. I have a vivid memory of being frustrated whenever I was in a car until the magic of the internal combustion engine was revealed to me. In high school and early college, I studied for and interned with an engineering focus, enjoying physics and problem-solving. More in-depth engineering courses steered my career into a more practical field. After working for an electrical distribution company for three years, I was offered an opportunity to work at The Kingdom Builders. Starting as a gutter technician, I grew into managing the gutter division, and now into operations manager.

My Story
I grew up in a Christian home, always hearing about Jesus and attending church. However, that did not make me, "good." I quickly became an expert at acting like a Christian but had no Life in me, and I knew it. I was determined to "try sin out for myself", and "do my own thing for a while." As a young teenager, I got interested in alcohol and would sneak or steal it when I could. I also found improper things on the internet to look at. The guilt of these sins quite literally tore me apart day and night for what seemed like forever--all while The Lord offered me a free Gift of Salvation to be washed from the sins that tormented me so deeply. One day someone asked me what my spiritual condition was--I had been asked that many, many times, and always lied about it. That day, I answered honestly to them, and The Lord--asking in my heart for forgiveness of my sins, and placed all my hope, faith, and belief on The Lord Jesus' death and resurrection for my sins. That day, he took every sin away from me--from when I was a child, to as I write this, and for the rest of my life!

Since that day, I have had a lot of struggles (resisting temptation), and some not struggles (NOT resisting temptation) with the same sins that haunted me before salvation, and some new ones. I am encouraged by a few verses:

1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

1 John 2:1b-2 "If anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world."

Josh Clark

Joshua Clark

Production Manager, Roofing & Gutters

Family/Where I live
I grew up in West Fargo, ND and now My wife and I with 3 boys live in Elk River, MN

Associate degree in Web Development

Background/Work History
Over 13 years of Landscaping, 3 years of cabinet finishing, and 11 years of growing with The Kingdom Builders. I also created websites on the side for many years.

My Story
I grew up in a Christian home and attended a non-denominational church in West Fargo, ND. At the age of 7, I put my faith and trust in Jesus. I knew I wasn't perfect and needed a savior.

Cole Gothman - Siding and Windows Production Manager for The Kingdom Builders

Cole Gothman

Production Manager, Siding & Windows

My wife Michaela and I have been married 11 years and have 5 amazing children, 4 girls and 1 boy.

Emmi, Nora, Maisy, Selah, and Zion.

High School and some college.

Background/Work History
In High School, I worked at Culver's, this is significant because I was blessed to meet the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. Michaela and I met while I worked there in 2009 but didn't start dating until 2012 and then married in 2013. After Culvers I worked with Lee Juvland (owner of KB) for some time back when KB was Juvland Homecare. In 2012 I changed careers and went into CNC Manufacturing, I was in that field for 10 years, and when I left my title was Quality Technologist, documenting and inspecting parts for various airliners, ie. 737Max, Apache Helicopters, and so many other military and passenger aircraft. I most recently started with The Kingdom Builders in 2022 and have learned so much!

My Story
I was raised in a Christian family. When I was 13, my Dad and I were on a trip up north and listening to some CHH. After a little while, my Dad stopped the song and shared the gospel with me like he had done hundreds of times before. This time was different, I started crying and truly felt repentant of my sin and trusted in the Lord. Now 19 years later, I am still growing and learning so much. I pray I lead my family in the ways of the Lord.

isaac davidson

Isaac Davison

Lead Project Manager

Tim Borg

Tim Borg

Project Manager

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Damien Hendricks

Project Manager

Elijah Aamot

Elijah Aamot

Field Technician

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Eric Juvland

Project Manager, Field Technician

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Jacob Juvland

Gutter Technician

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Marcus Juvland

Gutter Technician

Jonathan Hanson

Jonathan Hanson

Front Desk, Accounting

Where I live
I was born and raised in Eau Claire Wisconsin, but moved to Minnesota in June of 2024. 

My educational background includes Marketing at Chippewa Valley Technical College, Social studies at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, and a bachelor's degree in Education at UWEC. 

Background/Work History
In the past, I did miscellaneous marketing jobs such as the Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation. After that, I worked as a 4th grade teacher at The School District of Ladysmith, and as an English Language Arts Teacher at The School District of Cadott.

My Story
I was born into a strong Christian home. My father was an educator and my mother was a stay-at-home mom. They taught me the Bible from a very young age; however, I was a doubter and a skeptic about nearly everything I heard how about the gospel, God, and salvation. I didn't know if I should believe something that I hadn't witnessed firsthand myself. However, I learned that God demands belief. Hebrews 11:6 says that it is impossible to please God without faith. All who come to God have to believe that He exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him. I was not seeking God, I was running from God. I knew that I had a long history of lying. I had read the verse that said that all liars would have their part in the lake of fire. This is a judgment that God for those who do not accept his forgiveness. It is a place that's described as eternal torment, and God did not design it for us and He does not want us to go there. However, for those who have violated the law, if we have lied, stolen, or looked with lust, then we have disobeyed God's law and have a sentence of death that we have passed on ourselves. The Bible says that sin is wages for what we have done. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God as eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” I remember getting down on my knees and asking God to forgive me for all of my sins and that he would allow me to pass from death to life. He did forgive me and promised that He would never leave me nor forsake me. 

I do not doubt God's existence anymore, the more I have studied science and history, the more I have realized that it is intellectual suicide to deny the existence of God. If you would like to experience what I have experienced, all you have to do is acknowledge your sin to God, repent of it, and put your faith in Christ. If you do that, God will forgive your death sentence and grant you the gift of everlasting life.


Tim Aamot

Tim Aamot


Tim Oberg

Tim Oberg


Matt Genz

Matt Gens


By God's grace, my wife and I have been married 17 years and have 5 wonderful children. Having lived in Minnesota our whole lives with our families, we are glad to have settled in Jordan, MN where we are active in our church and homeschool our kids, still close to both our parents. After finishing college at UW-Stout with a degree in Business, I ran a couple of small businesses including painting and Christmas lighting as an offsetting seasonal business for 14 years and most recently working with The Kingdom Builders for 8 years. Prior to The Kingdom Builders, we were missionaries in Mongolia for 2 years and then had several of our Mongolian students stay with our growing family here in Minnesota while they attended college. I have always enjoyed teaching and facilitating small groups. I have been blessed to see many parts of the world, including visits to Tanzania, Ethiopia, China, Thailand, and several European countries while living in Scotland for a semester. I praise God for these many opportunities to see the nations for whom he died and was raised! He planted many such seeds at my home church in youth group and singing in a small high school choir and also attending several service trips around the country to Chicago, Texas, and Montana. This church is also where I learned about Jesus' sacrificial death for my sins; and as God said, "Let there be light," at the dawn of creation, so, too, God shone the light of Christ into my heart and I saw Jesus crucified for me (2 Corinthians 4:4-6). I grew under the care of a great college pastor, a few amazing choral directors, and many dear saints, including the 14 years in a traveling Christian choir called Spirit Bound where a love for sharing Christ through choral singing was well nourished, and then 12 years singing at a our first church as a couple church where our choir went to Ireland three times to encourage church plants and reach out to their surrounding communities. We were called to Mongolia through a missions sermon from Psalm 96 and have been so happy to be declaring God's glory among the nations through song ever since!

Scott Sunblad

Scott Sundblad


Chris Burtman - sales representative for The Kingdom Builders

Chris Burtman


Derek Western

Derek Western


Minnesota Roof Professionals

Our team works hard to be the #1 roofing company in Minnesota. We are licensed general contractors, Atlas Pro Plus Select, and Owens Corning Preferred contractors. We've done thousands of roofs in the Twin Cities. We hold a 5-star rating on Google, Angie's List, and Home Advisor. Give us a call today!

low pressure high temperature power washer

Restoring Exteriors in Minnesota

“Whatever You Do, Work Heartily, As For The Lord And Not For Men.”

Colossians 3:23